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    post by the_reverend @ Dec 23,2001 12:33am  [link]
    pictures are up from the dec 22,2001 show, Hamartia, iRANACH, the:enclitic, and dead under eyes. click here for pictures.
    :December 22, 2001 @ 4:18am -- post by the reverend
    Just converted Am I metal or not to PHP.

    Also, I made a quick seach so you can search all the pictures of all the concerts. Feel free to go there and try it out. You can search for, say, Skinless or Exhumed. Enjoy.

    Between Two Theives and possibly Figure 6 will be on the Return To The Pit Show. I will be an awesome christmas night. rock.
    :December 21, 2001 @ 4:42pm -- post by the reverend
    yesterday, someone reported to my webhosting company that I was spamming. So was down yesterday. I'm still figuring out who/why/what/where with them because I've got no idea where this came from.

    today, I saw a car with a bunch of bumper stikers, including "I'm Glad I voted for BUSH, thank you florida" and another one that said "CO-ED Naked Law Enforcement". Someone should tell them that they are suck in 1992.

    Busy working on the discussion board, pictures database, and a robotic diaphragm with rhiboflavon (call the hotline 1-888-NOT-2-LATE for emergancy birth control).
    :December 14, 2001 @ 3:46am -- post by the reverend
    ok, the Morbid Angel/Zyclon/Exhumed/Acephalus show went great, short but great
    Appologies to acephalus for missing all but the last song of their set.
    all the vomit filled pictures are up, click here

    two weird things:
    1) morbid angel played for almost the exact time that a live CD would be.. just like cannibal corpse did, just before releasing their live CD
    2) Exhumed's bass player cleaned his vomit up after him self.. that's a bit different, after he vomitted all over the security gaurds at the metal fest.
    :December 7, 2001 @ 11:18am -- post by the reverend
    Religious right, meet the religious wrong.
    or is that meat
    :December 6, 2001 @ 4:17pm -- post by the reverend
    Thanks to Earache, there will be a ticket give away this monday (December 10) for the Worcster Palladium show on December 13th. Please, tune in to the show for the ticket give away (most-likely at 12:30am). Deicide and Soilent Green won't be there, but think of it as an early xmas present, Morbid Angel, Exhumed, and Zylcon. I know I'll be there.
    :December 6, 2001 @ 1:39pm -- post by the reverend
    new menu bar. tell me how it looks

    On a nothing note, I've been listen to the band Nephasth and playing them on my show a lot. Their new CD is probably one of the best brutal death CDs I've heard all year. You should check out their MP3s.

    The Enclitic can't make the Dec 24th show, how ever, between two theives and possibly another guest will be there.
    :December 5, 2001 @ 11:37am -- post by the reverend
    December 4th, 2001
    For Immediate Release
    SOILENT GREEN involved in van crash, cancel remainder of 2001 tour

    "SOILENT GREEN were involved in an early morning van crash on December 4th causing numerous injuries and forcing the band to cancel its touring plans for the remainder of 2001. The band's van rolled 4 times shortly after 4 am (PST) in Eastern Washington on an icy, snow-covered stretch of highway. No other vehicles were involved in the accident. Guitarist Brian Patton and bassist Scott Williams suffered broken bones in the shoulder area while the remaining members, vocalist Benjamin Falgoust, drummer Tommy Buckley and crew escaped with minor injuries. The band has cancelled their remaining dates as part of the Extreme Music For Extreme People Tour to return home and begin the recovery process."
    :December 4, 2001 @ 12:34am -- post by the reverend
    I've been listening to devourment all day
    that's about all that I'll admit.
    well, that and I don't understand, but enjoy this

    in other news:
    hopefully, the:enclitic (n-kltk) and between two theives will be playing the christmas eve show of Return To The Pit. I can think of no better way to say "happy birthday baby jesus. guess what, you are a capricorn".
    :November 30, 2001 @ 8:31pm -- post by the reverend
    notice the "Pit Gear" over there
    why don't you click on it
    :November 29, 2001 @ 11:35am -- post by the reverend


    I've been working my ass off (with my web host company) to find ways around this. The problem is that they throttle back the site so that if I got over 57Mega bits in an hour of transfers, there's a 408 error. To get around this, I've created to put up all the mp3s on. So this means that that site will be throttled back (causing mp3 requests to return a 408 error), leaving fine... let's hope. Otherwise, I'm going to need another mirror.
    :November 27, 2001 @ 11:56am -- post by the reverend
    We are trying to resolve 408/409 errors with our web host company right now. PLEASE, IF YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD AN MP3 DO SO, BUT DO NOT CONSTANTLY DOWNLOAD THE SAME MP3 OVER AND OVER. Download it once! Or I might be forced to remove the mp3s. Right now, we are only allowed to transfer 57Mb per hour. When you constantly download the same mp3, you kill this webpage. We might possibly have to mirror the mp3s to keep this main site up 24/7. (especially when the discussion board is finished and up). My host, totally rocks and they have helped me ALOT. I might end up putting the mp3s on a different address (like or something like that) so if too many people are grabbing mp3s, it won't affect the main site. Please, continue to come back, sign up to the mailing (up there ^) list, veiw pictures, listen to the show, interact, find things to do, and enjoy,
    knowing that we are working hard to get this site rocking better and better.
    :November 25, 2001 @ 4:01pm -- post by the reverend
    even though this was suppose to be a weekend of doing stuff away from the area, we've sat around and programmed all weekend, which hopefully someone out there will enjoy. Currently, the mp3s for Life at Zero, Tears of Avarel, Halo Suffocation Machine, and iRANACH are up and entered into the database. Hopefully, it works nicely. There is a little thing on the top of this page, this is a new menu that "follows" around all the new pages. If you mouse over the mp3 icon, you'll get a top ten list of all the mp3s (bassed on downloads.) if you don't see what you want on the list, click on the all to get the full list. when you download a track, it will auto-update the database and top ten. Anyhow, there is a lot of good music there so listen. I will add more tracks as bands come in and agreet o put the tracks up.
    :November 25, 2001 @ 4:01pm -- post by the reverend is proud to show the first sticker. we will be putting up a merchandise webpage soon and then you'll be able to order a free sticker. We will also be selling hoodies, t-shirts, and baby doll t's. stay tuned
    :November 22, 2001 @ 10:18pm -- post by the reverend is up on it's new server.
    Version 2.0 would be up this weekend, but I'm going away so you are going to just have to deal with a faster server. try it out, check out the "AMIMETALORNOT" page and you'll see just how fast a good service provider can be. Enjoy and tell me how you feel about the new server.

    :November 17, 2001 @ 1:31am -- post by the reverend
    Finally, I put up pictures from the November 15th Pigface concert
    now, before you start giving me crap about the other people in the line up... check out the pictures from pigface. Yes, that is two drummers. Yes, one of those drummers is female and in a biniki! Yes, those are the same bouncers that do the palladium shows, but somehow they didn't seem to enjoy them selves at an industrial show, not like they do at Metal concerts. Too much fishnet and black nail polish.
    :November 16, 2001 @ 3:03pm -- post by the reverend
    It seems there has finally come real news that will eradicate the threat of Al-Queda, the taliban, terrorists, Athrax and Afghanistan from our news media. It seems that is the new movie based on the life of an orphened wizards with a messed up facial scar named Harry Potter has the magic to clense our lifes. A childrens book is just the thing our fickle society needs. And good, I was getting sick of hearing the ton ten ways to prepare myself for global terrorists.
    I'm sure this will lead to the newest line of pamphlets depicting the loveable Harry Potter showing kids how to keep safe during a nuclear terroirst attack by ducking and covering under their bed and desk. Now, go duck and cover kids!
    :November 13, 2001 @ 10:57am -- post by the reverend
    the beginning 20-30 minutes of the rttp live stream is EXTREMELY quiet. I had to correct an issue with the streaming settings here. I'm going to try to level adjust it, but if you get angry at it, just skip ahead a few minutes in to the stream.
    ps. thank you for listening and caring!
    :November 12, 2001 @ 10:16am -- post by the reverend
    I've been watching the tv for about an hour now.
    guess it's about time to report something..
    um.. I don't know... don't know what to say about airplanes.
    I guess the operation ivy
    "this time I got it all figured out
    all I know is that I dont know nothing...
    " -op ivy "knowledge"
    if you didn't catch the link about airplanes. I wish they would update this site with 2001 information
    :November 10, 2001 @ 2:10am -- post by the reverend presents: "This years worst halloween costumes"

    sister catherine was quoted as saying
    "ARG!!! I'm a pirate!"
    Everyone was laughing at her... not with her
    :November 9, 2001 @ 0:57am -- post by the reverend v2.0 will be coming soon.
    we are looking at new and interesting server upgrades.
    when the upgrades go on,
    hopefully, the new site will be up and ready
    there will be lots more of what you like and expect from
    so if you notice and little weird things popping up on the site,
    they will make sence once v2.0 comes out.

    we have also noticed the huge hit to our server stats after 9-11-2001

    notice, all up hill and then dropped off a cliff
    looks like we're going back up now...
    hopefully, v2.0 will be well received.
    :November 4, 2001 @ 5:00am -- post by the reverend
    pictures up of the concert. check them out
    a) some kids are emotional
    b) duct tape will fix anything
    c) blow up dolls are built for grind

    the returntothepit crew is thinking of following all the cool kids and break up.
    :November 3, 2001 @ 1:37pm -- post by the reverend
    I'm heading in a few to the York, Me concert featuring:
    Comin' Correct, Guninmouth, Final Stand, Murder in the First, Backstabbers Inc., Low Life, Strong Point, Halo Suffocation Machine, iRANACH, Tears of Avarel, the enclitic, The Limit Break, Figure Six, Break it Up, Between Two Thieves, plus more
    if you need directions click here

    swing by and see the last shows of HSM and TOA
    :October 24, 2001 @ 9:30am -- post by the reverend
    First off, I need driving directions to all the new england venues... if you could get me really good ones, that would be wonderful. I would love maps too, if you got them.
    Email them to me.

    updating the look of by adding CSS support!.

    lamb of god's record label is using this picture in it's ad to be placed in Maximum Rock and Roll and other location

    finally, we're getting a video camera... more to come of that.

    also I do not own no matter how many e-mails I get asking me if that's me.
    :October 23, 2001 @ 1:06am -- post by the reverend
    Working on the site.
    fixing a lot of bugs

    the Marketing ploy the is KMFDM is getting back together or something.
    Rumor is that one kid in Munich cares. => -> => who cares
    :October 6, 2001 @ 4:57am -- post by the reverend
    need to sleep...
    Six Feet Under, Candiria, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Darkest Hour, Unearth, And All That Remains at the palladium last night
    there are plenty of picture of the crowds. It was a pretty darn good even though there's an annoying couple who can claim that they bumped and gound and made out to SFU "Bonesaw". I did a lot of playing around with the my camera... so there are tons of double exposure pictures! .example.
    :September 25, 2001 @ 11:24am -- post by the reverend
    Subject:getting back to the metal

    I got a couple more reasons why being xSEx would sux.

    UPDATE: AmIMetalOrNot is now able to send e-mails. Currently, it e-mails a link, but soon, it should e-mail the picture to a friend.
    :August 29, 2001 @ 8:38am -- post by the reverend
    Pictures of Life At Zero are already up
    click to see
    :August 28, 2001 @ 3:20am -- post by the reverend
    Life at zero played an awesome set at the WUNH studios.
    Click Here to Listen
    pictures coming after some much needed sleep.
    :August 27, 2001 @ 9:57pm -- post by the reverend
    The Band Life at Zero will be live on the air in a few hours, check out the live stream tonight at midnight EST
    pictures will be up by tomorrow and the archive of the show will be up here to hear it again (after 3am).
    please, e-mail your opinions until the messageboard comes on line.
    though you may want to blame lateness on our new playstation1
    :August 27, 2001 @ 9:37pm -- post by the reverend
    The crew finally came into the 90's by getting a playstation, that's the original play station. Let's hope that this doesn't affect the updates on the page. damn thiem, damn them all.
    :August 21, 2001 @ 11:46am -- post by the reverend
    pictures are now up of Halo Suffocation Machine playing live last night.
    as always enjoy
    two weeks til rttp is 5 years old...
    :August 21, 2001 @ 3:36am -- post by the reverend
    Thank you to for coming in to play.
    listen to
    the stream of the show to hear them. pictures will be up in a few hours.. I have to get up in 2 hours and go to work.
    CHECK OUT AM I METAL OR NOT! it took a lot of nifty PERL scripting, but I think it finally works... e-mail and cards coming soon.
    :August 19, 2001 @ 8:52pm -- post by the reverend
    I just made something totally dorky,
    but totally cool... it's a random picture viewer with a rating system...
    click here
    it randomly goes through all the pictures I have... everything from concerts at gyms to the palladium to buddy from exhumed throwing up!
    enjoy, but don't take it too seriously, it's just some more sludge to cludge the internet... time for the drain-o
    :August 2, 2001 @ 8:46pm -- post by the reverend
    Added a new Live Schedule page.
    Lots of great bands coming in to place live on the show.
    :August 2, 2001 @ 10:44am -- post by the reverend
    In Mourning played monday night click to see pictures of the event
    you can also listen to the stream
    :August 10 2001 @ 12:54pm -- post by the reverend
    Life at Zero will be on the air on August 27th.

    that means the schedule is:
    Aug 13In Mourning
    Aug 20Halo Suffocation Machine with new singer Jeff B
    Aug 27Life at Zero
    This is prompting me to make a Live Artist scheduling page.
    If your band would like to play live on a Monday Night for now, e-mail me. There will be an Auto-mailing page and live schedule up soon... just need to find the time to code it.

    Offers already extended to Bane of Existence, Plague of Emaciation, Unearth, Fatal Image, Diecast, Beyond the Sixth Seal, Amercian Nightmare, and Vehemence. Now, lets see if we can get them to actually come on... if you know any of these bands personally, do some persuading.. if you can. heck, sleep with them if you have to!
    :August 10 2001 @ 11:51AM -- post by the reverend
    In Mouring is confermed for August 13th
    Click here to read things on their messageboard about the show and tune in next monday night.
    (Also, link my site with my new banner up top if you like.)
    :August 8 2001 @ 11:15pm -- post by the reverend
    Starting the September is the Metallenium tour.
    Brutal bands on the bill: Six Feet Under, Dimmu Borgir, Witchery, Napalm Death, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Malevolent Creation.
    Also, CKY3K videos.. I'll have more indo when I get it.
    More info when I get it
    :August 8 2001 @ 11:09pm -- post by the reverend
    testing a new feature of my site
    updating this page is getting easier
    :August 07 2001 @ 12:28am
    Day home from work so I've had some time:
    iRANACH pictures from last night's show
    :August 07 2001 @ 2:58am
    iRANACH played an amazing set.
    check out the stream of it
    Pictures will be up of the event tomorrow (later today).

    In Mouring is a possible live act for next week so tune in.
    :August 05 2001 @ 9:27pm
    iRANACH live Monday August 6th on Return to the pit
    Halo Suffocation Machine live Monday August 6th on Return to the pit
    :August 3rd 2001 @ 10pm
    Add a mailing list so that you can get e-mails when this site is majorly updated.
    sign up above if you want.
    bitch if you don't
    :July 22 2001 @ 4pm
    Pictres added from Function Fest 2 last night in dover.
    :July 21 2001 @ 1pm
    Added pictures frrom the Cradle of Filth, Nile, God Forbid, and Killswitch Engage.
    These are some of the first shots of Jon Vesano (Dark Moon) as bassist and vocals.
    Hey ladies, I quoted the girl beside me "can I bring him home!"
    :July 18 2001
    There's a nice new TOC to the left. Try it out.. it was a bitch to get working.
    :July 16 2001
    If you haven't noticed,
    there is now a new and improved "Link Add" page enjoy.
    Improvements will come as I get more time.
    ( crew is counting down to cradle of filth on the 20th)
    :July 12 2001
    Pictures are up of the July 11 show at chantilly's in concord
    As always, enjoy.

    :July 11 2001
    Check out live pictures from Tears of avarel playing on the Pit!
    Beware, they are robotic powered super high flying tank lucky fist
    they go to super charger to make your taste buds pop!
    and they may cause seizures. liver spots and dry mouth

    :July 10 2001
    Tears of avarel Played live last night.
    Pictures will be up later on tonight.
    ans yes, they were awesome, check out to find shows that they have coming up.

    :June 18 2001
    Mayhem, vital remains, acephallus, and beyond the sixth seal pictures Click here I will make the pages prettier in the morning... need sleep. but I did get the pictures up 1 hour after I got home. enjoy.

    Easy add info link add info to
    DERRY PALOOZA pictures Click here

    New Events page. Add events on your own for other views to read.

    I wrote it Monday during my show, it's really fun, try it.Click here it's a random metal song title, band name, or album name generator

    Marduk, Gorguts, Bane of Existence, Burial, Withered Earth, and Eternal Suffering live May 27 2001

    Old Stuff
    This site was down for a while. Sorry about that.
    new layout and everything coming soon. As well as a contest of sorts

    Pictures from My Breath on Glass live on the show click here

    the pictures are here!!
    The pictures are here
    click here

    if there are any problems or broken links, mail me ,
    I've been working as hard as I can, but there are still more pictures to format...
    so far, 966 from saturday and 679 from friday.
    also, Cannae playing live
    Terretron playing live

    over 900 pictures from metal fest are coming your way soon.
    plus a make over to the layout and more more more!
    (like live pictures of cannae playing on the show!)
    they should be up by thursday
    pictures from last night's Blood Has Been Shed, Cannae (ex-Fortydaysrain), Halo Suffocation Machine, Backstabbers Inc., Hamartia, Tears of Avarel, and Veil of Tears are up pictures for the time being enjoy

    Dying fetus, Eternal Suffering, Diecast, All Out War, Blistered Earth, and 100 Demons Live pictures from Jan 12 2001
    "Dying Fetus wishes to announce the permanent departure of bassist and
    vocalist Jason Netherton. Jason left the band following the last date in
    Europe in Antwerpen, Belgium. The departure came about as a result of
    numerous personal reasons, and was on good terms as Jason wishes the band
    all the best.
      Dying Fetus will continue on, at this time as a 5-piece with
    replacements who have been lined up for the next tour with All Out War and
    Diecast. Presently, on bass guitar it is Derek Boyer (Deprecated) and on
    vocals is Vince Matthews (Sadistic Torment, Autumn Dawn, Mucous Membrane).
    current line up is strong, and Dying Fetus is looking forward to moving
    ahead, writing more new songs and doing more tours... look for more
    information soon."  Click here to see live pictures of the new line up
    This was the 3rd show that Dying Fetus did with the new line up.
    As Sparky said, they are still "working out the kinks"
    Still, Dying fetus, crashed the more

    Halo Suffocation Machine played live Xmas day night.
    Check out picture of the event.

    My first 1000+ visitor weekend...
    it's time to celebrate.

    here's some old school porno
    Porn 1 Porn 2 Porn 3

    what's wrong with this picture
    This is the sign I was greated with going to see
    Dying fetus, Skinless, Vital Remains, Eternal Suffering, and Goratory
    Regretibly, Slipknot was playing downstairs.
    but I figure this was a joke.

    It seems like everyone except Dying Fetus sang for Dying Fetus @ the Dec 9th concert
    1 2 3 4 permalink Add To All Your Pages!
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