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returntothepit >> discuss >> Antifa Boston by ridahsofdizoom on Jun 9,2011 11:04pm
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toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 9,2011 11:04pm

Because only joining facebook groups is realllll

Also, in before Conservationist or one of his clones cries about how Antifa goes against the American values of free speech

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 9,2011 11:15pm

toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Jun 9,2011 11:56pm
Buttdarts who don't listen to Rose Tattoo

toggletoggle post by vaettir  at Jun 10,2011 12:08am
this is now a Cold Northern Vengeance, Inverticrux and Panzerbastard appreciation thread.


toggletoggle post by vaettir  at Jun 10,2011 12:09am

toggletoggle post by vaettir  at Jun 10,2011 12:10am

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Jun 10,2011 12:25am
Oh no, we have a about werewolves.. and their night, but it's not a Wolfnacht cover rest assured!

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 12:40am

toggletoggle post by AMOROK666 at Jun 10,2011 1:22am
What the fuck is a antifa? Sounds like a bunch of retarded faggot nigger-kykes to me.

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Jun 10,2011 3:06am
vaettir said[orig][quote]
this is now a Cold Northern Vengeance, Inverticrux and Panzerbastard appreciation thread.


yes best cnv song, holla

toggletoggle post by quadruple nigger at Jun 10,2011 8:08am
AMOROK666 said[orig][quote]
What the fuck is a antifa? Sounds like a bunch of retarded faggot nigger-kykes to me.

I bet they're a bunch of beaner gook broads who listen to girlfriend metal

toggletoggle post by arkquimanthorn at Jun 10,2011 8:54am
anti-fascism is fascism

toggletoggle post by eyeroller at Jun 10,2011 8:56am
Nazis: A group of people who are intolerant of another group of people because of their beliefs, public policies and culture.

Antifa: A group of people who are intolerant of another group of people because of their beliefs, public policies and culture.

toggletoggle post by MikeOv at Jun 10,2011 9:46am
Good Night Left Side

toggletoggle post by JustinVaettir  at Jun 10,2011 10:11am
ANTIFA said[orig][quote]

Are we "others"?

vaettir said[orig][quote]
this is now a Cold Northern Vengeance, Inverticrux and Panzerbastard appreciation thread.


toggletoggle post by eyeroller at Jun 10,2011 11:10am
Saw this story, made me think of these AntiFun douchenozzles.

^ News item released today - 96-year old woman on her deathbed confesses to details of a murder from 1946...

"During the Nazi occupation of Holland during World War II, resistance fighters had suspected Gulje of collaborating with the German occupation authorities. Dutch police officials had arrested Gulje after the war, but he was acquitted on collaboration charges. Indeed, in subsequent years, it's been reported that Gulje actually aided Jews during the occupation; he provided shelter and money, and allowing a banned Catholic group associated with the resistance to use his factory.

Yesterday, Leiden Mayor Henri Lenfrink brought the Gulje affair back into public discussion with an announcement that on January 1, he'd received a letter from Atie Ridder-Visser, a former member of Holland's anti-Nazi Resistance, confessing to Gulje's murder.

Lenferink "said a woman has confessed to the killing, saying it happened in the mistaken belief that Gulje had collaborated with the Nazis," the Associated Press reported.

"On the cold sleeting night of March 1, 1946, Atie Visser rang Gulje's doorbell in Leiden, and told his wife that she had a letter to give to her husband," the AP wrote. "When he came to the door she shot him in the chest."

Same thing nowadays. These Antifa creeps see themselves as righteous vigilantes who insist that they're correct and that their cause justifies violence as well as bullying (i.e. pressuring clubs to drop shows because some bands are percieved to be "fascists," whether they actually are or not being irrelevant). But they're nothing more than Napoleonic pussies.

Ok, off the soapbox, sorry.

toggletoggle post by hauptpflucker   at Jun 10,2011 11:15am
the anonymous soapbox is a fun place to prosthletize

toggletoggle post by eyeroller at Jun 10,2011 11:23am
So if I registered as eyeroller, that's more legit? lawlz

toggletoggle post by Aural Assault at Jun 10,2011 11:23am
Holy shit that INVERTICRUX band fucking sucks. Is it a joke??

Gravesideservice v2.0

toggletoggle post by hauptpflucker   at Jun 10,2011 11:25am
just another useless comentary on trolls being taken/taking themselves seriously

toggletoggle post by vaettir   at Jun 10,2011 11:55am
I want to form a side project called "And Others "

toggletoggle post by orktourass at Jun 10,2011 12:29pm
eyeroller said[orig][quote]
Napoleonic pussies.
haha, perfect. you can't fight fascism with fascism.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 5:20pm
JustinVaettir said[orig][quote]
ANTIFA said[orig][quote]

Are we "others"?

Haha, fully snubbed by the pink bloc.

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Jun 10,2011 5:21pm
where my national socialist jews at?

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 5:53pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 5:54pm
Black Jewish werewolf-Americans for Change

toggletoggle post by NOTATROLL at Jun 10,2011 5:56pm
I wish racist bands like CNV would just go away.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:01pm
NOTATROLL said[orig][quote]
I wish racist bands like CNV would just go away.

If only there were some kind of camp we could send them to. A place where they could concentrate on being nice, docile American citizens... A sort of "concentration camp", if you will.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:07pm

Also definitely related, this whole sudden surge of FB activity is pretty much just to promote the new DS record. IDEALIST - YOU CLEARLY ARE ONE

toggletoggle post by Headbanging_Man at Jun 10,2011 6:17pm edited Jun 10,2011 6:18pm

“Anonymous Anti-fascists” Hack Several White Supremacist Websites Including
Posted on June 9, 2011 by vanzetti

Stuff like this just puts a smile on my face. It has comes to my attention that, the website for the “North East White Pride” organization, as well as other sites belonging to them have been hacked. Here is part of what the hackers, describing themselves as “Anonymous Antifascists”, defaced with:

The hackers defaced the websites with a statement. They also released home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, usernames and passwords and email correspondences of the administrator of the site, Robert O’Donovan. Here is the statement from the antifascists in full:

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
#opblitzkrieg #anonops #lulzsec #operationpayback #totaldestroythursday


Anonymous Anti-Fascist Hackers Deface White Supremacist Websites, Drop Dox

A Mob of Anonymous Anti-fascist hooligans hacked into several white supremacist websites belonging to North East White Pride(, Local 1488 Store (,, and more, defacing with anti-racist messages and leaking private information. We’re dropping usernames, passwords, home addresses and phone numbers of over 1000 active nazis in the US. We also spammed 35,000+ nazi emails with this message to make them sleep a little less easy at night. We did this to expose and disrupt the racist scum who associate with their white supremacist group and purchased items from their online Nazi store.

Just two weeks ago the webmaster Rob O’Donovan and his racist organization North East White Pride attempted to hold a white supremacist gathering in the Worchester Public Library but instead were greeted with a dozen antifa who burst into their meeting black-clad-bandana’d-out and beat the nazis down with chairs and u-locks. A week later, they obviously didn’t get the hint to cut the nazi shit, so we had to own them hardstyle when a week later they attempted to hold an anti-immigrant “Close The Border” rally.

Detailed private information about Rob was leaked including confidential emails, online store transactions, phone and address information for him as well as the thousands of nazis who purchased items from his store The leaked emails revealed Rob was working with Detective Andrew Creed from the Boston Police Intelligence Unit who regularly “made sure that your group was able to get their message out in a safe manner” against “problems with ‘antis’ showing up”. Rob also runs Tea Party websites regularly bringing other nazis to Tea Party rallies further demonstrating the connections between “mainstreamized” racists in the Tea Party and violent neo-nazi extremists.

We believe in militant direct action to smash white supremacy, expose them to their communities, confront them at their jobs and homes, and disrupt their organization’s ability to conduct meetings/rallies, distribute their hateful propaganda, and communicate on the internet. Those who want us in the gas chambers, who seek to take away our freedoms, deserve it not for themselves.

Just as we smash organized white supremacists, we also smash white-hat corporate “hacker” sellouts who work for the government, military, law enforcement, and the corporate security industry. You need us, but we don’t need you. Fuck the FBI, Fuck NATO, and Fuck Ingragard. Props to real OG hackers who still break into and destroy the systems of our enemies: lulzsec, anti-sec, hackbloc, zfo, el8, h0no, project mayhem, phc, phrack, fox, #school4lulz and countless more.

The defaced websites are:,,,,,,,,,

The server formerly hosted the websites:,,,,,”

While I’m sure more will come to light after all the leaked emails have been perused, one email from Detective Andrew Creed of the Boston Police Intelligence Unit to O’Donovan. In the email Creed seeks O’Donovan’s cooperation and offers his help to make sure the “antis” don’t cause a problem at NEWP’s event. The email:

Subject: Boston, March 26th
From: “Creed, Andrew”
Date: Thu, March 17, 2011 12:00 pm
Priority: Normal

My name is Detective Andrew Creed and I’m assigned to the Boston
Police Intelligence Unit. I know that your group has had demonstrations
in our city in the past, and in the past, my department has made sure
that your group (like any other group) was able to get their message out
in a safe manner. My reason for contacting you is that I’m wondering
what your group’s plans are for the 26th of March in Boston.

I have received information that your group, North East White
Pride, is planning a demonstration in the city on this date and I would
like to know what your plans are so that we can provide your group with
a safe venue to express its views. I know that in the past your group
has had problems with “anti’s” showing up and causing issues at your
events or attempting to get your events cancelled before they occur. Any
cooperation you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to
contact me at my office 617.343.5218 or on my cell phone 617.594.2781.

- Detective Andrew P. Creed, Boston Regional Intelligence
Center (“BRIC”)

The leaked emails as well as the other databases can be found in this torrent as well as these sites, among other places: – rar pass: n3wp0penz – rar pass: 1488back

I’m sure there are those who might make some sort of “free speech” objection to this sort of action. I, for one, will do nothing of the kind. How far are people willing to push this illusory idea of a right to free speech? How far is too far? Is it really worth it to let groups like NEWP spew their hate and lies out in the open just to prove we really do have free speech in this country? No rights to privacy for those who’d take away rights, no freedom for those would take away our freedoms. The longer we let these supremacists, these white nationalists and nazis, these fascists organize the more influence they gain. And the more of a threat they become to a free life.

[Edit: After writing that part above I realized I glossed over something that needed discussion. Here is a more reasoned critique of protecting fascist's free speech rights, if anyone's interested]

Now who said Anonymous never did anything substantial? The defacement of multiple fascist websites and releasing emails, usernames, addresses of these scum is incredible. Anonymous is skilled, dedicated, and above all diverse. Anonymous is here to stay and we can be sure we haven’t seen a fraction of what’s to come from that notorious group/collective/gathering/movement. You can count on that.

A big HELL YEAH to whoever was responsible for all this. Ya really did make my day.

P.S. Inglorious Basterds Anyone?

Ahhh, yes, nothing like childish/jockish boasting about thuggish behavior to prove one's "anti-fascist" bonafides!

toggletoggle post by arkquimanthorn at Jun 10,2011 6:20pm
"Is it really worth it to let groups like NEWP spew their hate and lies out in the open just to prove we really do have free speech in this country?"

Is free speech worth free speech...yes, yes it is.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:21pm edited Jun 10,2011 6:21pm
Hahaha... they're crowing pretty hard about how they hacked those damn dirty Nazis' websites and got their important emails. Reading now, so far it's all a bunch of dudes talking about fishing and Revolutionary War re-enactment. STOP THE PRESSES

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:22pm
the phrase "Hi, Carl!" appears in that pastebin way too many times for me to get worked up over this. lol

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:23pm
"You have just been sent a personal message by Mrs.Totenkopf"


toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jun 10,2011 6:25pm
A few years back, someone actually asked me if my band was racist because we did that Black Death Over New England split with CNV. lolz

toggletoggle post by posbleak   at Jun 10,2011 6:26pm edited Jun 10,2011 6:27pm
ANTIFA said[orig][quote]


No rights to privacy for those who’d take away rights, no freedom for those would take away our freedoms.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:32pm
"Great news! A new shipment of our Zyklon-B Energy Drinks are en route to


toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:33pm
Man, apparently Nazis don't encrypt their information any better than Sony.

toggletoggle post by SLAAAAG at Jun 10,2011 6:34pm
Intolerance is just a word that looks plain weird if you type it too many times.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:40pm edited Jun 10,2011 6:43pm
Name : jimscrowin
Message : how come all my nigger jokes werent posted???Ive got plenty more

This shit is comedy gold.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 6:50pm
Man, please tell me WHO handles your cc transactions? I'm desperate. I've lost almost all my KKK sales since GoogleCheckout dropped me.

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 10,2011 6:58pm

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 10,2011 7:07pm

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 10,2011 7:08pm

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 7:10pm
Headbanging_Man said[orig][quote]

Just two weeks ago the webmaster Rob O’Donovan and his racist organization North East White Pride attempted to hold a white supremacist gathering in the Worchester Public Library but instead were greeted with a dozen antifa who burst into their meeting black-clad-bandana’d-out and beat the nazis down with chairs and u-locks.

Some would say:

According to Worcester Public Library Head Librarian Mark Contois, the whole incident
lasted about 50 seconds. Despite heightened police patrols during the event and an extra
custodian placed at the entrance of the library, the group snuck in, assaulted two of the
meeting-goers and left.

toggletoggle post by JustinVaettir  at Jun 10,2011 7:34pm
I'm still waiting for clarification on whether or not we're a Nazi band.

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 10,2011 7:37pm

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jun 10,2011 7:40pm
JustinVaettir said[orig][quote]
I'm still waiting for clarification on whether or not we're a Nazi band.

The logo could pass as one.

toggletoggle post by JustinVaettir  at Jun 10,2011 7:40pm
Good thing. I'm not prepared to work any harder at this.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 7:48pm
JustinVaettir said[orig][quote]
Good thing. I'm not prepared to work any harder at this.

not having to hire a PR department:

toggletoggle post by vaettir   at Jun 10,2011 7:53pm
JustinVaettir said[orig][quote]
Good thing. I'm not prepared to work any harder at this.

Let's do a Facebook poll about it. Let the people decide. After all we're here for out fans, like Morbid Angel

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 7:57pm edited Jun 10,2011 7:58pm
curious if ANTIFA will be smashing the nazis when MA come through, obv a gathering of this size to see a dude who's said sketchy shit in interviews playing music is an immediate threat, and they'll surely come prepared for battle...


inb4 opportunism trumps idealism, rubber fails to meet road

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 10,2011 8:56pm edited Jun 10,2011 8:59pm

toggletoggle post by ANTIFA at Jun 10,2011 11:43pm
CNV is in His Holy Temple...

toggletoggle post by CNV IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE at Jun 10,2011 11:52pm
It comes to me in the dead of the night... That old cold stormy light... They say that there's something wrong with me... and this is just ahhh prison cell and they all knew that the earth was hell and yet there is something here I see... Take me away to Lucifer's Sacred Dominion... and God is in his holy temple...

toggletoggle post by NuclearWinter at Jun 11,2011 1:13am
First of all, Black Death fucking RULES. Second of all -- We Must Secure the Existence of Our 40s and a Future for Fried Chicken.

toggletoggle post by CNV IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE at Jun 11,2011 1:34am

toggletoggle post by NuclearWinter at Jun 11,2011 1:48am
Actually, I'm in Maine. Sober.

toggletoggle post by NuclearWinter at Jun 15,2011 7:57pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Jun 16,2011 12:34am

toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Jun 16,2011 12:38am
Buttdarts anonymous

toggletoggle post by conservationist  at Jun 16,2011 7:40am
Liberalism is the new fascism.

toggletoggle post by posbleak   at Jun 16,2011 9:48am
The shittiest part is that if they'd put their wasted time and energy toward an actual goal, like raising money for a youth center or volunteering, they'd probably actually accomplish something.

But I guess chasing a bunch of crackers around a library with bike locks is just the cool thing to do now.

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 16,2011 10:05am
conservationist said[orig][quote]
Liberalism is the new fascism.

catchphrases are the new catchphrases.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jun 16,2011 10:07am
posbleak said[orig][quote]
if they'd put their wasted time and energy toward an actual goal, like raising money for a youth center or volunteering, they'd probably actually accomplish something.

yeah, but they might grow up to worship hitler! they must be destroyed.

toggletoggle post by Mutis  at Jun 16,2011 10:21am
Only Nazi Volkswagen Hippie Bus is real.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jun 16,2011 11:00am
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
Headbanging_Man said[orig][quote]

Just two weeks ago the webmaster Rob O’Donovan and his racist organization North East White Pride attempted to hold a white supremacist gathering in the Worchester Public Library but instead were greeted with a dozen antifa who burst into their meeting black-clad-bandana’d-out and beat the nazis down with chairs and u-locks.

Some would say:

According to Worcester Public Library Head Librarian Mark Contois, the whole incident
lasted about 50 seconds. Despite heightened police patrols during the event and an extra
custodian placed at the entrance of the library, the group snuck in, assaulted two of the
meeting-goers and left.

Ha, I'm willing to bet nobody even got hurt during this ruthless beatdown.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jun 17,2011 3:24pm

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jun 17,2011 3:34pm


toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jun 17,2011 3:50pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]

is that Eliot?

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 5:23pm
AntiFa is fucking faggot festival '99. Marxist pussies.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 5:47pm edited Jun 17,2011 5:49pm

toggletoggle post by NuclearWinter at Jun 17,2011 5:53pm
Needs more Celtic Warrior.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 5:53pm
And one more:


I've heard what you're gonna do to me, bash the fash and smash the Nazi. I've heard the threats not felt the actions, from you low life left wing factions.

You make me laugh, you make me smile - you're just a joke, you are so vile! You make me laugh, yes Antifa - you're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!

Get a wash and get a life scum, shout and scream but still I'm not done. Your threats and screams they fuel my fire, resist and fight is my desire.

You make me laugh, you make me smile - you're just a joke, you are so vile! You make me laugh, yes Antifa - you're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!

Antifa - ha ha ha ha! Antifa - ha ha ha ha!

I'm still out here on the streets, this Nazi scum it won't retreat. "Good night left side" is my cry, white and proud 'til the day I die.

You make me laugh, you make me smile - you're just a joke, you are so vile! You make me laugh, yes Antifa - you're just a joke, ha ha ha ha! You make me laugh, you make me smile - you're just a joke, you are so vile! You make me laugh, yes Antifa - you're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 17,2011 5:56pm
Shit just got belligerent. lol

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 6:17pm
Haha, I'd probably get the shit kicked out of me much more if I didn't look semi-Latino.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jun 17,2011 6:19pm
You were overseas so long, you even look Arabic now.


toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 17,2011 6:21pm
smash the reds / smash the nazis / all the fuckin same / left / right / left / right / so long as you march in line

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 17,2011 6:34pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.


toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 17,2011 6:35pm
Meanwhile $$$$ trumps you

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 17,2011 6:37pm
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]



toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 6:41pm
La Ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 17,2011 6:45pm
ark said[orig][quote]
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.

This is perfectly logical and never leads anywhere ominous.


toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 6:48pm edited Jun 17,2011 6:49pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.

Take your pick, because that line of thinking is going to take you to one of these three.

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Jun 17,2011 6:51pm
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.

Take your pick, because that line of thinking is going to take you to one of these three.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 6:54pm
Now I'm fappin'.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 17,2011 6:59pm edited Jun 17,2011 7:00pm
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

I think free speech directed at hate and fascism trumps free speech that supports hate and fascism.

Take your pick, because that line of thinking is going to take you to one of these three.

Did you know that fascism has the same etymology as fascia (the plastic wrap-like silvery shit that holds all your organs in)? fasces - "band, or bundle"

It gets bound up when you don't stretch properly, and can overgrow, requiring manual pressure to release.

So when you go to the massage therapist (or parlor, your call) and get deep tissue work, you're advancing the cause of anti-fascism! Yaaaaaaaay!

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 17,2011 6:59pm edited Jun 17,2011 6:59pm

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 17,2011 7:15pm
And if the Fasces as the symbol for Fascism had been more famous we would be like Asia! (Having swastikas all over everything and people going WOAAAHH now because of Doubya-Doubya II)

toggletoggle post by arkt at Jun 17,2011 7:24pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]

It gets bound up when you don't stretch properly, and can overgrow, requiring manual pressure to release.

So there it is, kids. Stretch your free speech muscles, and make sure your rights are never marginalized by anyone. Or your parents will get a divorce.

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 17,2011 9:40pm
Yay let's tolerate people who want to kill other groups of people because apparently a random group of barbarians is superior to other groups of barbarians.

toggletoggle post by GOATCATAFUKK at Jun 17,2011 9:42pm
moar naleboms

toggletoggle post by bobnomaamrooney at Jun 17,2011 9:43pm

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 17,2011 10:17pm

needs more Spanish civil war propaganda.

those dumb Spaniards, they should have allowed Franco to have his free speech.

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 17,2011 10:19pm

if this had a donkey as well it would be equally true

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 17,2011 10:24pm
And for the records, I'm more against institutional fascism than I am against a bunch of half-witted rednecks thinking they are the superior race of the world. But it doesn't mean I can't hate on em.

toggletoggle post by GOATCATAFUKK at Jun 17,2011 10:33pm
minutes from the 6/14/11 boston ANTIFA meeting:

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 17,2011 10:39pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]
And for the records, I'm more against institutional fascism than I am against a bunch of half-witted rednecks thinking they are the superior race of the world. But it doesn't mean I can't hate on em.

Say you got enough corporate backing and sway to get elected, would you take their right to speech away?

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 17,2011 10:43pm
As an Anarchist I would never run for office.
And I wouldn't curtail a freedom, but that doesn't stop others from beating the faces in of backwards ignorant folk who believe in a genetic/racial fairy tale as laughable as the bible.

toggletoggle post by vaettir   at Jun 17,2011 11:00pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]
As an Anarchist I would never run for office.
And I wouldn't curtail a freedom, but that doesn't stop others from beating the faces in of backwards ignorant folk who believe in a genetic/racial fairy tale as laughable as the bible.

Tough guy is tough

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 17,2011 11:04pm

toggletoggle post by sextuple nigger at Jun 17,2011 11:07pm
Niggers and kikes, gooks and dykes, chinks beaners wetbacks, mooncrickets and all sorts of faggots. God bless America, except for the redmen, you bigger faggots can stick to drinking moonshine and living in shacks on the rez. Sayeth the Nigger

toggletoggle post by Non- white at Jun 17,2011 11:50pm
sextuple%20nigger said[orig][quote]
Niggers and kikes, gooks and dykes, chinks beaners wetbacks, mooncrickets and all sorts of faggots. God bless America, except for the redmen, you bigger faggots can stick to drinking moonshine and living in shacks on the rez. Sayeth the Nigger

Amen to that brotha!!

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 18,2011 10:02am
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 19,2011 3:04pm edited Jun 19,2011 3:07pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]

if this had a donkey as well it would be equally true

I know you said if it had a donkey it would be equally true, so I am just talking about the poster here: this shit is so ridiculous. I love when people imply that republicans are the ones who are Fascists. Give me a break, liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.

Case in point:

EDIT: But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 19,2011 3:12pm
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]
As an Anarchist I would never run for office.
And I wouldn't curtail a freedom, but that doesn't stop others from beating the faces in of backwards ignorant folk who believe in a genetic/racial fairy tale as laughable as the bible.



Go back to your parade:

toggletoggle post by CNV IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE at Jun 19,2011 3:33pm
Whether they're the Marxist/Communist/Socialist people who think that humans want to get along on a grand scale, or whether it's the Nazis, who think that if everyone was just of the same race, they'd all get along perfectly, or the anarchists, who think everyone would love to live this way if you just took away the police.

They're all deluded. People should worry about what happens on their block. They should get along with their neighbors before they worry about the great ills of society and about telling someone who lives 200 miles away what to do... Michael Moynihan

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:35pm
Back'd hard - humanity is pretty ok when you only have a few of them (like in the double digits at best). It's once you get past that limit and the "herd" switch goes on that you run into trouble.

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 19,2011 3:37pm
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.
But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

traitor to what? you are preaching the same rhetoric in a different uniform.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:37pm
For the record I have considered myself an anarchist for a long fucking time, now, but not in the sense that I think people have any capacity to get along. black =/= red

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 19,2011 3:38pm
CNV%20IS%20IN%20HIS%20HOLY%20TEMPLE said[orig][quote]
They're all deluded.

this post is wisdom.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:42pm edited Jun 19,2011 3:43pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
For the record I have considered myself an anarchist for a long fucking time, now, but not in the sense that I think people have any capacity to get along. black =/= red

More in the sense that there's never been a law handed down that didn't have a gun (or a sword, or a pointy stick, or a rock in a clenched fist) behind it. And not one of them ever had any more authority than that which derives from being able to contain or kill those who break them. (It's a matter of historical record that the brightest among us only follow such laws as they see fit, and simply find a way around the rest.)

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:45pm
And, of course, anyone who takes issue with that can come talk to me or Lemmy.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 19,2011 3:45pm
ark said[orig][quote]
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.
But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

traitor to what? you are preaching the same rhetoric in a different uniform.

No I'm not. Or, if you mean that I am not being nice about things and that I am shouting for what I believe just like they do for what they believe, than i agree and never said that is wrong. I'm talking about literally being a traitor that spits in the face of our founding fathers and the Constitution they bravely drafted.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:47pm edited Jun 19,2011 4:00pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
And, of course, anyone who takes issue with that can come talk to me or Lemmy.

(Admittedly, I'm probably closer.)

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 3:59pm edited Jun 19,2011 4:01pm
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
ark said[orig][quote]
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.
But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

traitor to what? you are preaching the same rhetoric in a different uniform.

No I'm not. Or, if you mean that I am not being nice about things and that I am shouting for what I believe just like they do for what they believe, than i agree and never said that is wrong. I'm talking about literally being a traitor that spits in the face of our founding fathers and the Constitution they bravely drafted.

I mean, semantically, Tully never said they couldn't say what they're saying, just that he holds them in a certain regard for saying it. I can buy that.

My take on things would be that you can only be a traitor to an idea that you have common cause with in the first place, and for a lot of folks America is an interesting idea that turned out to be bullshit in practice.

I'll be the first to tell anyone that the people who do fight for that idea (some of whom are 100% behind it 'til the end, and some of whom end up disillusioned by the experience) don't get properly taken care of for what they do. A lot of people do it just to take care of their own families, and that needs to be compensated, too. I respect the trade of soldiering, in either case. And I sure as hell get someone who is engaged in it responding to a banner like that in kind.

But brave men have been dying at the behest of rich ones since the beginning, because they believed in the idea of this country. So the taboo of never making a peep about military matters because you have to "support the troops" is another matter, at least from where I'm standing. Admittedly "Fuck the troops" isn't super clever or articulate (and I wouldn't march behind it, nor do I agree with it), but it sure as hell gets a reaction.

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 19,2011 4:18pm
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
No I'm not. Or, if you mean that I am not being nice about things and that I am shouting for what I believe just like they do for what they believe, than i agree and never said that is wrong. I'm talking about literally being a traitor that spits in the face of our founding fathers and the Constitution they bravely drafted.

Nothing wrong with fighting fire with fire. I believe in the values this country represents, although they mean different things for everybody. The Founding Fathers had blood on their hands too. This country has been lead down the wrong path for a long time. Man's biological capacity of faith over intellect (in leaders, money, religion, etc) has been exploited very well in this country over time, and in every other far-reaching empire in the past. This country is massive and not everybody wants to play along.

I don't live in the illusion that everyone just might be able to live together, and I'm not someone that doesn't respect a soldier's noble profession. Globalization and capitalism have already decided this country's path, we will see how the new chapter unfolds in time. DYA summed it up well. The Constitution is a model document to uphold, but it is a moving target in history. To place absolute faith in it is a trap that many have fallen in. I believe in sensible legislation that works for the present and for distinct groups of people. But that time has already passed.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 4:22pm
FWIW, "Fuck the Troops" is only even slightly effective because the admirable concept at the root of the phrase "Support the Troops" has been used so consistently as a bludgeon over the last decade or so, to the point where it's tough to hear it without associations of, at best, jingoism. Which is a huge disrespect to the people that it's actually supposed to benefit.

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 19,2011 4:23pm
and to be clear, most elected officials can't read the damn thing anyway.

toggletoggle post by BlessedOffalNLI at Jun 19,2011 4:27pm
ITT: America...Serials Business

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 19,2011 4:27pm
Ark and DYA, I agree with (and disagree with) some of your points and my comments where not directed at you. I just get a bit upset at the self stylized 'far left' and how much they have brainwashed themselves inside of their comfortable cacoon of pretension. Often it seems that they just want a cause and since the 'far left' is the most PC of all, they can rally behind it without having to deal with much scorn or contention. So, when I read some of the familiar parroted bullshit they have been trained to spout (the same thing Christians do, ie: "OH YEA WELL WHY ARE THERE STILL MONKEYS?!") in this thread, that is what I responding to.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 4:27pm
Also: me herping the derping when I realize that Tully wasn't even responding to the "fuck the troops" thing, but the republican propaganda thing. Consider the herp officially derped. Officially.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 19,2011 4:30pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
FWIW, "Fuck the Troops" is only even slightly effective because the admirable concept at the root of the phrase "Support the Troops" has been used so consistently as a bludgeon over the last decade or so, to the point where it's tough to hear it without associations of, at best, jingoism. Which is a huge disrespect to the people that it's actually supposed to benefit.

I fully agree, it has become a way to make people feel better about themselves without actually having to do anything, or stand up for anything. Like 'praying for the troops'. I much prefer someone to disagree with me and have a good conversation.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Jun 19,2011 4:31pm

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 20,2011 1:02am
CNV%20IS%20IN%20HIS%20HOLY%20TEMPLE said[orig][quote]
People should worry about what happens on their block. They should get along with their neighbors before they worry about the great ills of society and about telling someone who lives 200 miles away what to do.

So, do what these guys wanted you to do from the get go?

toggletoggle post by ridahsofdizoom at Jun 20,2011 2:59am
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
ark said[orig][quote]
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.
But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

traitor to what? you are preaching the same rhetoric in a different uniform.

No I'm not. Or, if you mean that I am not being nice about things and that I am shouting for what I believe just like they do for what they believe, than i agree and never said that is wrong. I'm talking about literally being a traitor that spits in the face of our founding fathers and the Constitution they bravely drafted.

I wipe my ass with your Constitution and fuck on the graves of your founding fathers.

they may have been better men than most but they were still rich privileged fucks who just wanted power over others

as James Connolly used to say about the Irish Republican leaders, what difference does it make if they have an Irish accent instead of an English one, they still want to exploit us.

What rights has the Constitution given me that I haven't given myself? why should I need a document to give me rights, furthermore, why would I want a piece of paper written by men long dead to hold tyranny over me and others who live in this age?

Sorry in advance for all the butthurt it causes you that someone doesn't find your moldy piece of paper with all the rich people signatures holy, you might as well defend the bible that was so bravely written by jebus when he was being persecuted by the space vikings.

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 20,2011 3:08am edited Jun 20,2011 3:09am
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
ark said[orig][quote]
Boozegood said[orig][quote]
liberals are far and away closer to Fascist than any republican.
But seriously, fuck you you cowardly traitor.

traitor to what? you are preaching the same rhetoric in a different uniform.

No I'm not. Or, if you mean that I am not being nice about things and that I am shouting for what I believe just like they do for what they believe, than i agree and never said that is wrong. I'm talking about literally being a traitor that spits in the face of our founding fathers and the Constitution they bravely drafted.

I wipe my ass with your Constitution and fuck on the graves of your founding fathers.

they may have been better men than most but they were still rich privileged fucks who just wanted power over others

as James Connolly used to say about the Irish Republican leaders, what difference does it make if they have an Irish accent instead of an English one, they still want to exploit us.

What rights has the Constitution given me that I haven't given myself? why should I need a document to give me rights, furthermore, why would I want a piece of paper written by men long dead to hold tyranny over me and others who live in this age?

Sorry in advance for all the butthurt it causes you that someone doesn't find your moldy piece of paper with all the rich people signatures holy, you might as well defend the bible that was so bravely written by jebus when he was being persecuted by the space vikings.

It far from offends me, it makes me smile and gives me butterflies in my stomach to think that Patriotism can make someone so UMAD.jpg.

Also as a side note, as we all know, the first thing people do when their only objective is to be tyrannical is make sure everyone has the right to own their own property and bear arms freely.

Another side note: I'm a Private Military Contractor, that must make you very happy.

toggletoggle post by frankovhell at Jun 20,2011 6:33am
Why don't all of you hippy anarchist buttdarts go have a freakin RIOT. Just like in Vancouver. That will show em!

toggletoggle post by I like parades at Jun 20,2011 9:39am

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jun 20,2011 10:47am
this thread is terrorist.

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 20,2011 11:13am
ridahsofdizoom said[orig][quote]
What rights has the Constitution given me that I haven't given myself? why should I need a document to give me rights, furthermore, why would I want a piece of paper written by men long dead to hold tyranny over me and others who live in this age?

You would be singing a very different tune if born somewhere else, just saying.

toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Jun 20,2011 11:28am
Rights are wasted on simpleton faggot Mericans

toggletoggle post by ark at Jun 20,2011 11:36am
ark said[orig][quote]
Globalization and capitalism

Boozegood said[orig][quote]
I'm a Private Military Contractor, that must make you very happy.


toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Jun 20,2011 2:03pm
I'ma just leave this here:


toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Jun 20,2011 2:38pm

toggletoggle post by JustinVaettir  at Jun 20,2011 5:18pm
nekronaut said[orig][quote]
I'ma just leave this here:


getting hateful up in here

toggletoggle post by Boozegood at Jun 20,2011 5:44pm

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